We take lots of things seriously. Staff training & development and team meetings are two (or three?!) of them.
Training. All our techs attend at least one external technical training course every year.
All staff undertake internal training as an ongoing process.
We hold regular team meetings. At these we cover the operational and financial aspects of the business. Everyone is encouraged to get involved with topics covered and all agenda items are interactive.
Not only do these meetings strengthen our team building, they ensure we are all abreast of company- and industry-wide issues. It is also an opportunity for us to identify areas where we can tighten efficiency or improve customer service.
We hold 1 to 1 meetings between each member of staff and a member of the Senior Leadership Team every 6-8 weeks, and have an annual formal appraisal round with the directors. The appraisal process includes upward feedback to board level.
Salaries are reviewed yearly – but at a different time to the appraisals.
We are continually expanding and always keen for more expertise and enthusiasm. If you would like to join our team in any capacity, please send your CV to franny@prmotors.biz.